Happy New Year, friends. I thought today would be a good time to update you on Christmas for Cas.
Thank you to everyone who have donated to "Christmas for Cas". Andrea informed me this afternoon that over $3000 in toys, games, books, cash, and gift cards were donated to this 8 year old cancer patient she works with and his family. Many cards were sent and lots of prayers said as well. Cas was so excited and his family so very grateful.
Not only have so many people contributed to making this a joyous Christmas for Cas and his family, but they've also given this family some much needed help for things like gas and groceries. Cas' family lives in WV. In addition, to the back and forth and taking care of a teenage son at home, the family is in the process of making their house accessible for Cas' homecoming in early 2023 (hopefully).
In addition to many members of my Stampin' Peace community and my donation of 20% of my Stampin' Up! sales December 1-15, those donating include Andrea and Jon's families, friends, and co-workers, and colleagues of Cas' mom.
Andrea and I were talking last week about how when so many people come together each doing what they can, big things can be accomplished. No donation is ever too big or too small when it comes to giving from the heart to help others. Andrea is in awe of the kindness and generosity she has seen from so many people. She wants you to know how much your kindness and generosity is appreciated. Thank you!
Please continue to keep Cas and his family in your prayers as they still have a very long road ahead of them. Andrea received a text from Cas' mom on Christmas Eve, again thanking her and included pictures of Cas "ringing the bell" after completing his last cancer treatment. Now, the long road of rehab comes. The hope is that with PT and OT Cas will get stronger and recover enough function that he can go home in the next few months.
As you pray for Cas and his family, I ask that we also pray for others who are also fighting cancer and other diseases including mental health.
Gifts for the whole family who got to be with Cas for Christmas plus gift cards to help the family. 
Andrea got to play Santa's helper! Andrea and her husband even baked cookies and put together icing, sprinkles, and more for Cas and his family to enjoy a holiday activity of decorating and eating Christmas cookies.
For privacy reasons, we blocked out most of Cas' face is this photo his mother took of him with Andrea, but I wanted you to see this little guy's smile. Andrea said she was so proud and happy as Cas read EVERY card he received mostly by himself.
Thank you for choosing to make a positive different in the lives of others, whether it be in helping Cas' family and/or any other act of kindness and giving you engage in.
Happy New Year. May you and yours be happy, healthy, and at peace in 2023.